代做INFO1110、代写COMP9001、Python程序代做、代写Python设计 代写R语言程序|代做Python程序
INFO1110 / COMP9001 Assignment 2
Deadline: 11:59 PM, Sunday 26th of May 2019 AEST.
Weighting: 15% of the final assessment mark.
At the heart of each adventurer burns a passion: a passion for gold, for glory, for treasure or fame, or an
intense, burning desire for the world to be alright so that they could be left the hell alone. And each adventurer
- no matter how noble, no matter how fickle or selfish they may be, is defined by the journey upon which they
And yours, it appears, has taken you here: to the foot of a temple to a forgotten god, long since lost to time.
Seek you knowledge? Seek you fame? Seek you treasures beyond compare? Herein lay trials for you to
overcome, dear adventurer, and the only way to go is in.
Credits: Pixabay, Uploaded by Enrique Meseguer on Nov. 13, 2017 .Overview
For this assignment, you will write a simulation of a fantasy adventure, or a dungeon crawl. The user will be
given controls that allows them to move through rooms and locations in search of trials and tribulations to
overcome (for fun and profit).
Implementation details
Your program will be written in Python 3. The only Python modules allowed for import are sys .
To help you begin, a scaffold has been provided. Your entire program must be contained in the files room.py ,
simulation.py , item.py , quest.py , and adventurer.py . You should implement the functions in these files
to the best of your ability. You may create new functions to help you as you see fit, but you cannot modify any
existing function signatures (i.e. you cannot change the amount of arguments that an existing function can
Help and feedback
You are encouraged to ask questions about the assignment on the discussion board, on Ed.
During your tutorial in Week 12, you can also ask your tutor to review your code. Your tutor may provide
feedback either during the class, or outside the class on Ed.
Please ensure your code is comprehensible before requesting feedback. We recommend that your code
adheres to the PEP 8 style guide, and is commented appropriately.
Staff may make announcements on Ed regarding any updates or clarifications to the assignment. You can ask
questions on Ed using the assignments category. Please read this assignment description carefully before
asking questions. Please ensure that your work is your own and you do not share any code or solutions with
other students.
You will submit your code on the assignment page, on Ed. You are encouraged to submit multiple times. After
each submission, the marking system will automatically check your code against public test cases.
These public tests do not cover all parts of the specification and your code. The complete test suite contains
both public and hidden test cases, and your code will not be run through this suite until after the assignment
Please ensure you carefully follow the assignment specification. Your program output must exactly match the
output shown in the examples.
Warning: Any attempts to deceive or disrupt the marking system will result in an immediate zero for the
entire assignment. Negative marks can be assigned if you do not properly follow the assignment
specifications, or your code is unnecessarily or deliberately obfuscated.Milestone
To ensure you are making regular progress on this assignment, you must have achieved a minimum level of
functionality in your submission by May 19th, 11:59 PM AEST (Week 11 Sunday) to receive a portion of the
marks. See the Milestone Submission section at the end of this document for further details.
Program Details
Unless otherwise specified, all string values discussed in this program specification can be assumed to be
single-line strings.
The Adventurer
The user is represented by an Adventurer class, which you can define in the given adventurer.py scaffold.
An Adventurer object represents the character that the user controls. It has three primary attributes:
An inventory , which keeps track of all the items that the user has collected throughout the course of
the game. When an Adventurer object is first created, this attribute is empty.
A skill level. This represents the character's ability to overcome physical challenges within the game.
This integer value begins at 5 , and never goes lower than 0 .
A measure of will power. This represents the character's ability to overcome mental challenges, resist
mind-affecting effects, and influence other creatures. This integer value also begins at 5 , and never goes
lower than 0 .
The adventurer.py scaffold specifies a few methods that should be implemented for the purposes of
handling this object. This is true for all other scaffold files provided for this assignment. Feel free to add
as many more methods as you feel is necessary.
Each room - or location - in the game is represented by an object of the Room class, which you can define in
the given room.py scaffold. A Room object has the following attributes:
A name
A quest that can be/has been completed in this room. In some rooms, no such quest exist (i.e. this
attribute has value None ). The room's appearance changes based on whether or not the quest has been
completed, or if a quest exists in it at all.
An attribute for each of the cardinal directions: north , south , east , and west . Each of these attributes
might be:
Another Room object that can be reached from this room by moving in the appropriate direction, or
The value None , in the case that no other rooms can be reached from this room by going in the
specified direction.When the user enters a Room for the first time or when the LOOK command is invoked, a display
representing the Room is printed to standard output . Such a display consists of:
A visualisation of the room and its possible exits: a box that is 11 lines tall and 22 characters wide.
When an exit is present from any cardinal position (north, south, east, west), the centre of the
corresponding wall on the map is replaced with letters, like so:
A line indicating the name of the room. It follows the form: You are standing at the .
A separate, single line containing a short description of the room. This description changes based on
whether or not a relevant quest has been completed in this room.
If there are no quests that are relevant to this Room , its description should read: There is nothing
in this room.
You are standing at the Foyer.
There is nothing in this room.
>>> WEST
You move to the west, arriving at the Workshop.
You are standing at the Workshop.
There is nothing in this room.
Every item in the game is represented by an object of the Item class, which you can define in the given
item.py scaffold. An Item object has the following attributes:
A name . This can be quite lengthy (e.g. a foul-smelling bouquet of flowers .)
A shortname . This is usually a key word from the item's full name . (e.g. bouquet , or flowers .)
skill_bonus - An integer value. When an Adventurer is carrying an item in their inventory , its
skill_bonus is added to the Adventurer 's skill level.
will_bonus - An integer value. Works just like skill_bonus , but for the Adventurer 's will power
When a user invokes the CHECK command, they can attempt to examine an Item more closely by specifying
an item by its name or shortname . So long as the Item exists in the player's inventory , doing so allows
them to see the Item 's full name , its skill_bonus , and its will_bonus . For example:
You, the player, are an adventurer with a purpose: an adventurer with a quest, or perhaps many quests - tasks
for you to complete in exchange for a reward (fame, glory, money, more treasure, you name it). In our
program, such tasks can be represented by Quest objects. A Quest object has the following attributes:
A reward - some Item that is added to the player's inventory once the Quest is complete.
A quest action - a special action that can only be activated in the Room that the Quest can be
completed in. More on this later.
A quest description - a brief description of what the quest might entail, like a hint.
before_text - This is what is printed as part of a Room's description if the Quest can be completed in
that room, but the Quest is not yet complete.
after_text - This is what is printed as part of a Room's description if the Quest can and has been
completed in that room.
requirements to complete the quest. You can expect this to always be a single string in two parts:

For example: SKILL 10 , WILL 6 , etc.
You can and probably should make some extra variables for the Quest object that may not be
included in the scaffold.
fail_msg - This is printed when an Adventurer attempts to complete a Quest , but their skill or
will values are too low.
pass_msg - This is printed when an Adventurer attempts to complete an Quest and succeeds!
Check what? Shield
Shimmering Shield
Grants a bonus of 5 to SKILL.
Grants a bonus of 2 to WILL.A room that the Quest can be completed in (i.e. a Room object that is affected by this Quest 's
before_text and after_text ).
This is a lot to take in, so let's illustrate this with an example:
Okay! Let's assume that this quest exists, and let's see what we might see when we enter the Library . Let's
assume that our Adventurer is currently carrying no items.
Reward: Tiny Cat
Action: FEED CAT
Description: FEED a hungry cat!
Before_text: A tiny cat mewls at you pathetically from a corner of the room. It looks
After_text: There is nothing of note here - just books.
Requirements: WILL 7
Fail_msg: You offer the cat some food, but it runs away from you!
Pass_msg: You offer the cat some food. It happily accepts, and climbs up on your shoulders.
Looks like you made a friend!
Room: Library
You are standing at the Library.
A tiny cat mewls at you pathetically from a corner of the room. It looks hungry.
You offer the cat some food, but it runs away from you!
>>> L
You are standing at the Library.
A tiny cat mewls at you pathetically from a corner of the room. It looks hungry.Oh no, it looks like we don't have enough WILL to complete the quest! Let's try another example, but this
time, we are carrying some items that boost our Adventurer 's WILL to a value of, say, 8 .
Note that when a Quest is complete, the relevant Room 's description changes!
You are standing at the Library.
A tiny cat mewls at you pathetically from a corner of the room. It looks hungry.
You offer the cat some food. It happily accepts, and climbs up on your shoulders. Looks
like you made a friend!
>>> LOOK
You are standing at the Library.
There is nothing of note here - just books.
>>> INV
You are carrying:
- A Will-Booster
- A Tiny Cat
>>>The CONFIG files
When the program begins, it creates a series of rooms, items, and quests with different attributes based on
the configuration files passed to it through the command line. Your program will receive the following
information (in the order given) as command line arguments:
path_config - the name of a file containing the list of all connections between rooms in the program.
Use this file to determine how many Room objects you have to create! Each line is of the form:
Where START and DESTINATION are the names of rooms, and DIRECTION indicates a cardinal direction
(north, south, east, west) that the user can use to move between START and DESTINATION . For example:
When the program starts, the Adventurer begins in the FIRST room specified by this file.
item_config - the name of a file defining all the items to be found in the adventure on each line. Each
line is of the form:
Where item_name indicates the item's full name, and shortname indicates an abbreviation of
item_name that the user can use to refer to it when entering commands. For example:
quest_config - the name of a file defining all of the quests to be completed throughout the course of
the game. Each line is of the form:
Examples of these configuration files are available in the provided scaffold. Check for the files paths.txt ,
items.txt , quests.txt respectively.
If fewer than 3 arguments are supplied, print: "Usage: python3 simulation.py
" and exit the program.
If any one of the configuration files are invalid, print: "Please specify a valid configuration file."
and exit the program.
Similarly, if an empty path_config file is given, print: "No rooms exist! Exiting program..." and exit
the program. If an empty item_config or quest_config file is given, the program should run normally.
Entrance > NORTH > Foyer
Foyer > SOUTH > Entrance
item_name | shortname | skill_bonus | will_bonus
Singing Sword | sword | 10 | 2
Reward | quest action | quest description | before_text | after_text | requirements |
fail_message | pass_message | roomCommands
Unless stated otherwise, all commands are case insensitive.
At any point, the user may end the simulation.
The simulation lists all valid commands and their usage.
On each line of this output, the left side before the dash is always padded so that it is 10 characters in width.
LOOK and L
Displays the room that you are currently in.
>>> QUIT
>>> HELP
HELP - Shows some available commands.
LOOK or L - Lets you see the map/room again.
QUESTS - Lists all your active and completed quests.
INV - Lists all the items in your inventory.
CHECK - Lets you see an item (or yourself) in more detail.
NORTH or N - Moves you to the north.
SOUTH or S - Moves you to the south.
EAST or E - Moves you to the east.
WEST or W - Moves you to the west.
QUIT - Ends the adventure.
>>> LOOK
You are standing at the Entrance.
There is nothing in this room.
Shows a list of all the quests in the game.
Each line of the list comes in four parts:
A two-digit number of the form #XX , padded by 0 s.
A quest name, padded out to 20 characters.
A quest description, and
If the quest is complete, a tag that says [COMPLETED] at the end.
>>> L
You are standing at the Entrance.
There is nothing in this room.
#00: Singing Sword - PULL the sword from the stone.
#01: Shimmering Shield - SHINE an old shield until it shimmers.
#02: Trembling Tome - CALM a trembling tome in the workshop.
#03: Glistening Goblet - STEAL a glistening goblet from a distracted denizen.
#00: Singing Sword - PULL the sword from the stone.
#01: Shimmering Shield - SHINE an old shield until it shimmers. [COMPLETED]
#02: Trembling Tome - CALM a trembling tome in the workshop.
#03: Glistening Goblet - STEAL a glistening goblet from a distracted denizen.If ALL quests are complete, print the list normally. Print a new line, then: === All quests complete!
Congratulations! === , and end the program.
Shows a printout of the user's inventory.
If the user is carrying nothing, it instead says:
Allows the user to examine items. it will ask them for a second input, which can be an item's name or its short
#00: Singing Sword - PULL the sword from the stone. [COMPLETED]
#01: Shimmering Shield - SHINE an old shield until it shimmers. [COMPLETED]
#02: Trembling Tome - CALM a trembling tome in the workshop. [COMPLETED]
#03: Glistening Goblet - STEAL a glistening goblet from a distracted denizen.
=== All quests complete! Congratulations! ===
>>> INV
You are carrying:
- A Shimmering Shield
- A Singing Sword
>>> INV
You are carrying:
Check what? Shimmering Shield
Shimmering Shield
Grants a bonus of 5 to SKILL.
Grants a bonus of 2 to WILL.
Check what? Shield
Shimmering Shield
Grants a bonus of 5 to SKILL.
Grants a bonus of 2 to WILL.
>>>If no such item exists in the user's inventory, it will instead print:
Inputting ME the second time around allows one to examine their in-game statistics, and will print out the
statistics of any item they are carrying, as well.
The final line talks about what the user's statistics are after all bonuses from items have been applied.
Check what? Grass Sword
You don't have that!
Check what? ME
You are an adventurer, with a SKILL of 5 and a WILL of 5.
You are carrying:
Shimmering Shield
Grants a bonus of 5 to SKILL.
Grants a bonus of 2 to WILL.
With your items, you have a SKILL level of 10 and a WILL power of 7.NORTH or N | SOUTH or S | EAST or E | WEST or W
Moves the user to a connecting room in that specified direction.
If there is no room that can be accessed from by moving in the specified direction, they will instead print:
>>> EAST
You can't go that way.
Invalid Commands
If the user enters an invalid command, print You can't do that. and ask for another command.
>>> CRY
You can't do that.
You are standing at the Foyer.
There is nothing of note here.
>>> EAST
You move to the east, arriving at the Parlour.
You are standing at the Parlour.
A couple of fat cats are here, playing cards.
>>>Submission and Mark Breakdown
Submit your assignment on Ed in the Assignments section of the Assessments tab. The marking breakdown of
this assignment is as follows (15 marks total).
3 marks will be awarded as a progress mark, as described in the Milestone Submission section below.
4 marks will be awarded for code correctness, assessed by automatic test cases on Ed. *(Tentative)
Some test cases will be hidden and will not be available before the deadline.
8 marks will be given through hand-marking.
2 of these marks will be for code style, readability, and appropriate code comments.
A further 2 marks will be on general code/logical correctness (does your program basically function
as it should, but fails the automarking for some reason?)
The remaining 4 marks will be awarded for the submission of test cases.
Submitting Test Cases
A test case is numbered, and consists of the following files (where XX is the number associated with that test
case, e.g. 01 ):
XX_input.txt - The input for your test case.
XX_path.txt , XX_item.txt , XX_quest.txt - path, item, and quest configuration files for your test case.
XX_expected.txt - The expected output for your test case.
Such test cases should be placed in a tests directory, which should be included when you upload your
program for submission on Ed. Justifications for each test case must be written in a README.txt file in this
tests directory.
For the sake of clarity, an example test case (numbered 00 ) and the README.txt file has also been
included the scaffold, inside the tests directory.
You are expected to build a suite of at least 9 test cases. If you're unsure of where to start, it is recommended
that you attempt to build one trivial and one non-trivial test case for each command, because a portion of the
marks awarded will be for the amount of coverage offered by your test cases.
Using Test Cases
For reference, this is how we expect to use your test cases. You can do the same thing in your terminal in
order to test your code yourself:
python3 simulation.py XX_path.txt XX_item.txt XX_quest.txt < XX_input.txt > XX_actual.txt
diff XX_expected.txt XX_actual.txt
The first line creates a new file, XX_actual.txt , that contains the output of your program given your test
case's input. The second line compares the contents of XX_actual.txt and XX_expected.txt , and will notify
you if they are any different (i.e. the program fails your test case).
If the second line produces no output, the program has passed your test case ( XX_actual.txt and
XX_expected.txt are the same).Milestone Submission
2 marks will be awarded for a submission before May 19th, 11:59 PM AEST (Week 11 Sunday) that meet the
following criteria:
1. The program runs without crashing.
2. The program can successfully detect the existence of configuration files (and appropriately handles cases
where no configuration files exist).
3. The draw() function in room.py can draw an empty room, with no exits.
4. The take() function in adventurer.py actually changes the contents of the Adventurer 's inventory.
5. Given a complete path_config file and empty item_config and quest_config files, the game can
receive commands (in any order) without crashing. The following commands should print the first line
of output correctly:
LOOK and L
INV (Since the user has no way to receive any items, you only have to account for the case where
the user is carrying nothing).
1 mark will be awarded for submitting a suite of three test cases. Make a test case for each of the following
There are 3 quests to complete. It is possible to complete all 3 quests, but only if you do them in a
specific order.
There are 3 quests to complete. It is possible to complete one of the quests, but due to the requirements
of the other two, no more can be completed.
There are 3 quests to complete. It is possible to complete all 3 quests and end with a WILL value of 0 .Academic declaration
By submitting this assignment, you declare the following:
I declare that I have read and understood the University of Sydney Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and
Procedure, and except where specifically acknowledged, the work contained in this assignment/project is my own
work, and has not been copied from other sources or been previously submitted for award or assessment.
I understand that failure to comply with the Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure can lead to severe
penalties as outlined under Chapter 8 of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 (as amended). These penalties may
be imposed in cases where any significant portion of my submitted work has been copied without proper
acknowledgment from other sources, including published works, the Internet, existing programs, the work of other
students, or work previously submitted for other awards or assessments.
I realise that I may be asked to identify those portions of the work contributed by me and required to demonstrate
my knowledge of the relevant material by answering oral questions or by undertaking supplementary work, either
written or in the laboratory, in order to arrive at the final assessment mark.
I acknowledge that the School of Computer Science, in assessing this assignment, may reproduce it entirely, may
provide a copy to another member of faculty, and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism
checking service or in-house computer program, and that a copy of the assignment may be maintained by the
service or the School of Computer Science for the purpose of future plagiarism checking.



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