JavaScript代写:SIT120 Introduction to Mobile App Design帮做Java


Task Introduction

You will individually create a working prototype of your proposed educational mobile app game using mobile web app design skills. You will submit your completed application’s project folder as a zip file. As part of your development, you will need to provide an update to your progress each week from weeks 7 to 11 (five weeks). You will also be presenting your prototype in the week 12 class, displaying your achievement to the other students.

Prototype Requirements

Your app must have the following features:

  • Your app must be based on your initial assignment 1 pitch, but doesn’t have to be an exact match (design details can, and should, be refined during development)
  • Your app prototype must be a Mobile Web App using web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) discussed in the second half of the trimester. Use of the external libraries jQuery.js and Introtoapps.js (both available on Moodle) is recommended but not required. You cannot use any other external libraries without prior approval - talk to the Unit Coordinator if there is another library that you would like to use. For full marks you will be expected to include some code for HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • The app must operate correctly and adjust in size for both portrait and landscape for at least three mobile devices. These mobile devices are:
    • Apple iPhone 6s
    • Samsung Galaxy S7
    • Apple iPad Air 2
      You can simulate the screens for these mobile devices (in both portrait and landscape orientation) using Firefox’s Responsive Design Mode (discussed in the Week 6 practical).
  • You must include your name and student ID. This information must be included somewhere within the app itself, such as on the main title screen.
  • Your app must include a minimum of 4-6 responsive in-app objects. Responsive means that each of these objects must have some form of visual change or audio response to an event such as a screen tap, or a collision between objects, or some other form of interaction. These objects cannot be duplicates (e.g., four buttons with the same button press animation is not good enough).
  • Your app prototype screens must include at least 1 user experience design pattern (as discussed in week 3). For full marks this pattern must be fully (or near fully) functioning.

Development Progress Reports

Each week from weeks 7 to 11 (five weeks), you must make a forum post in the weekly project discussion forums that briefly describes the progress made in developing your app prototype. This weekly progress report must contain answers to the following:

  1. What progress has occurred during the current week?

  2. What tasks have fallen behind schedule? Why have they fallen behind?

  3. What tasks are you planning to do next week?

You are to provide a forum post answering the above questions each week to document your development progress. You cannot leave posting about your weekly progress until the end of the development period (end of trimester) - you have until the end of each week (Sunday 11:55 p.m.) to make your progress report. Late reports will not count towards your final project grade, so do not leave the reporting until the last minute.

Week 12 Presentation

During week 12 you will be presenting your app prototype to the rest of the class. You must attend in order to avoid getting a penalty to your grade. Your presentation needs to demonstrate your app running on an actual physical mobile device (such as a personal smartphone). An iPhone will be available on the day to use if you do not wish to use your own mobile device. Note that you do not have to create a separate presentation document - no PowerPoint slides, etc. are necessary, just the prototype itself will do.

Content: Use for Non-Commercial Purposes / Public Domain

Any content (including code) not created by you may only feature in your prototype if you have the right to do so. This means that you must only use content labelled under Public Domain/Creative Commons licenses that allow for Non-Commercial use (with modification if you plan to modify the content in any way). If you think there’s a possibility you may want to pursue full commercial development of your app at some point in the future, consider only using content under a Commercial use license (once again, with modification if you plan to alter the content).

All images/other assets used in your presentation must be appropriately referenced using Harvard (author, date) referencing. Include your references in the development document.


It is your responsibility to ensure all files are uploaded and you download them to confirm they uploaded correctly (no corruption).

There are two things you have to submit for this project:

  1. The app prototype, submitted to the week 11 dropbox on Moodle (if multiple files are required for your prototype, zip them up into a single file)

  2. Your development progress reports, posted onto the weekly discussion forums on Moodle

In addition, for your presentation you need to show that your app can work correctly on a mobile device, using your device’s built in web browser. As such, put a copy of your web app (including all HTML, CSS, images, audio, etc.) into the public_html section of your Deakin home directory (the H:/ drive). When demonstrating your app, navigate to this directory location using the URL format below.

Where username is your Deakin computer login username, and directory_location is the file path to find your homepage.html file. For example, if I wanted to navigate to my web app homepage (called main.html) and it was in a folder in my public_html called “SIT120”



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