代写DTS311TC School of AI and Advanced Computing Stage 4 | Level 3代做Java语言


Final Year Project

School of AI and Advanced Computing Stage 4 | Level 3

SECTION A: Basic Information

Brief Introduction to the Module

The FinalYear Project (FYP) is a two-semester-long project delivered through the DTS311TC FinalYear Project module. It accounts for ten cr edits, making it the largest single module currently and is worth 25% ofthe total credits available for Year 4. Therefore, it is a major contributing c omponent to the BEng final degree classification.

The FYP acts as asummative assessment of a student’s attainment in the Programme Learning Outcomes, i.e. how well-rounded you areas anX JTLUAIAC graduate. It is an opportunity for a student to integrate allthe knowledge accumulated through the four years of study. At the same ti me, the student must demonstrate their competencies before joining the computing professionals around the world; or demonstrate satisfactory res earchpotentialto further their research career.

There are TWO assessment items which make up the FYP, including 1) Proposal Report (10%) and 2) Dissertation (90%).

To achieve the most rewarding FYP experience, students are advised to carefully follow the assessment/submission schedule detaile d in the Module Handbook and observe important messages posted onLEARNING MALL, along with email notices and announce  ments. Regular meetings and effective communication with the supervisor are particularly essential to a successful FYP project.

Key Module Information

Module name

Module code

Credit value

Semesterin which t he module is taught

Pre-requisites needed for the mod ule

FinalYear Project





Programmes on which the module is shared

BEng Data Science and Big Data Technologywith Contemporary Entrepreneurialism

SECTION B: What You Can Expect from the Module

Educational Aims of the Module

The module aims to give students the opportunity to work in a guided but independent fashion to explore a substantialproblem in depth, making p  ractical use ofprinciples, techniques and methodologies acquired elsewhere in the course. It also gives experience of carrying out a large piece of i ndividual work and inproducing a dissertation. It finally enhances communication skills, both oral and written.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the module students should be able:

A. specify a substantialproblem, and produce a plan to address the problem

B. manage their time efectively so as to carryout their plan

C. locate and make use of information relevant to their project D. design a solution to a substantialproblem

E. implement and test their solution

F. evaluate in a critical fashion the work they have done, and to place it in the context of related work G. prepare and deliver a formalpresentation

H. structure and write a dissertation describing their projects.

Methods of Learning and Teaching

Students and their supervisors can decide on the delivery pattern. Some academic supervisors may have a group meeting at the start ofthe projec t if it is of benefit to the students, while others may only have one-by-one meetings with students.

Students are required to have weekly orbiweekly meetings with their supervisors. The schedule can be slightly diferent from one academics tafto another and depends on the needs of individual students. Students who never have discussion with their supervisor have to submit a ll of their project materials (including all code and data) to the AIAC review committee to be furtherinvestigated.



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