代做ARTD 6130 FMB2 Academic Year 2024/25代写数据结构语言程序

Assessment Brief Academic Year 2024/25

Module Code

ARTD 6130

Assessment Type


Module Title



100 %

Launch Date

27h January 2025

Word Count

3000 +/- 10%

Submission Date by

16:00 pm

08 May 2025

Feedback to Students Date

6th June 2024

Method of Submission

Turnitin via Blackboard

This assessment aims to raise your awareness of the fashion industry and give you the opportunity to apply your critical thinking to a concrete example chosen. We encourage independent thinking to develop your own ideas and to utilise the resource available to you. It is always a good idea to discuss these ideas with your tutor and your peer group to test and be critiqued on their developments. The seminars are developed to support you in the assessments and are relative to the briefs presented.

Assessment Brief Details:

Leading fashion brands currently face a number of local and global challenges, and must implement appropriate marketing strategies that will allow them to survive and grow in an increasingly difficult market. For your assessment, you are required to:

1.    Choose a fashion brand – your chosen brand must currently incorporate sustainability within its marketing programmes

2.    Select a country (market) of your choice

3.    Select one of your chosen brand’s product ranges or product lines; this will be the focus of your communications campaign.

Based on thorough research, develop a marketing and communications campaign strategy that your chosen brand should implement in order to achieve a strong competitive position in your chosen market.

Appendix: Situational Analysis

1)    Undertake a thorough critical situational analysis of that brand in your chosen market and identify key opportunities and threats. Include your situational analysis as an appendix at the end of your report. Your situational analysis should include the following:

An analysis of the macro -environment [this is an industry analysis – include a PESTEL analysis and Competitive Market analysis (apply Porter’s five forces)]

An analysis of the micro and internal environment [include an analysis of the brand’s key competitors, the current target market(s), the current brand position (show a positioning map)] the brand values, and an overview of the current marketing programmes (products, pricing, supply chain and channels to market, marketing communications, customer services, online/in-store design and processes)

SWOT analysis – the SWOT should draw on all of the research and analysis undertaken in the situational analysis.

The situational analysis must be shown in tables, and each table must be labelled. Show sources within the tables.

Main report:

2)    Discuss the key findings of your situational analysis (the key opportunities identified in your SWOT, and any relevant threats, weaknesses and strengths that will inform. your strategy decisions) at the beginning of the main report.

3)    Using the situational analysis to guide your choices, propose a growth and competitive marketing strategy, including the proposed target market and brand positioning, for your chosen fashion brand in your chosen market.

4) Propose appropriate marketing programmes for your chosen fashion brand, demonstrating how the proposed strategy and programmes will enable the brand to grow its market share and achieve a successful competitive position in the market. The proposed marketing strategy and programmes should incorporate relevant sustainability programmes as a part of the strategy development.

5) As a part of your marketing strategy, develop an integrated communications campaign plan for the chosen product range/line in the chosen country. Your communications plan should focus on one particular campaign within the timeframe. of the proposed marketing strategy.

Please ensure that you complete all parts of the assessment brief (5 parts in  total)

Your assessment should be presented as a Business Report, using headings and sub-headings.

You are expected to use appropriate literature, secondary data and business intelligence to support your arguments, and to include relevant theories, models and tools.

See over the page for further guidance

Guide to writing your assignment

Guidance will be given throughout the semester in lectures and seminars.

Ensure that you complete all parts  of the assessment (5 parts in total)

You should include your situational analysis as an appendix to the main report. This means it should be included at the end of the report, after the references.

Use  tables  within  your situational analysis. You must support your findings  within the situational analysis cite all sources.

The situational analysis  will not count  towards your overall word count provided it is included as an appendix.

You should ensure  that  the situational analysis  covers  all of the areas shown within  the assessment brief.

The situational analysis should be  an analysis of the  Brand’s current position.

Discuss  the  key findings of your situational analysis  in the main report,  which will inform your strategy decisions.

The main report should be  a proposal for a future marketing and communications strategy.

Ensure that you include relevant theories, models, and tools where appropriate.

You are expected to use appropriate literature, secondary data and business intelligence to support your arguments, and to include relevant theories, models and tools. All images should be directly relevant to your text. Abstract, Appendices, Bibliography and Table of Contents do not contribute to the final word count. Where appropriate tables are used, provided the tables are labelled, the words within the tables will not count towards your final word count.

Structure for writing your assignment and word count (for guidance only)

Title  Page with the title of your report, relevant image, the title of your degree, the date and your word count.

Table of Contents

Main  report - use headings and subheadings where appropriate. The word count shown below is for guidance only.

1.   Introduction (100 words)

2.  Summary of situational analysis (key findings) (100-150 words)

3.  Objectives (50 -100 words)

4.   Proposed growth, competitive and STP strategy (300 - 500 words)

5.   Proposed programmes (800-1000 words)

6.   Proposed marketing communications campaign (1200 - 1500 words)

7.   Evaluation (100 words)

8.  Conclusion (100 words)


Appendices – Situational Analysis (does not count towards the word count)

Visual Dos and Do Nots

•    Use images to enrich and illustrate your essay where relevant to support your text

•    Reference all images correctly using the Harvard referencing style

Do not use images that are not connected to your assignment text - do not use images out of context or simply for ornamentation

Document Style Guidelines

•   Titles should be at the top of pages

•    Pages should be numbered

•    Bullet point lists and tables should fit onto a single page

•    Charts, tables and images should be labelled


• The electronic copy of your assignment will be submitted to Turnitin. This submission is for the purposes of an Academic Integrity Report using the Turnitin software. You can view the WSA Academic Integrity Handbook on the School’s Intranet via the SUSSED portal.

The link for your Turnitin submission will be on Blackboard

Learning Outcomes & Assessment Criteria:

A. Knowledge and Understanding

Having successfully completed the module, you will have knowledge and understanding of how to :

A1 . Apply current theories and practices of strategic marketing on fashion brands

A2 . Discuss the challenges of leading and managing creativity in global contexts and multidisciplinary teams .

A3 . Provide a systematic insight into organizations and professional skills relevant to the creative economy.

B. Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:

B1. Research and critically evaluate fashion marketing and branding strategies.

B2. Analyse data and information and evaluate the ir relevance using a range of sources.

C. Transferable and Generic Skills

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:

C1 . Articulate an understanding of the module’s content in a written format.

C2 . Produce work fully aware of ethical considerations and conforming to academic integrity guidelines

C3 . Reflect on your ability to work effectively individually in a team environment, solving problems in creative ways.

E. Disciplinary Specific Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:

E1. To evaluate data from a variety of sources and justify appropriate fashion marketing activities and strategies

E2. Demonstrate advanced level techniques in tackling fashion brand case studies.



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