代做LIFE305 Cell Signalling in Health and Disease 2024/25调试Haskell程序

School of Biosciences

Coursework assessment for Assessment Cycle [ ] (semester [ ], 2024/25)

LIFE305 Cell Signalling in Health and Disease

Module organiser: Mark Morgan & Niall Kenneth

Maximum word count: 1000 words

Please read all instructions (general and specific) carefully! Please also make sure to familiarise yourself with the student guidance for written assessments (Canvas > NY-BIOSCIENCES-202425 > Assessment).

General instructions to students:

1. Word count

· The word count is a maximum (not plus/minus 10%). There is no minimum word count.

· Please refer to the specific instructions below regarding what is and what isn’t included in the maximum word count for this assignment.

· Penalties will be applied for exceeding the word count as follows:

o Up to 1% (e.g. up to 2020 for a 2000 word maximum) no penalty

o Up to 10% (e.g. between 2021 and 2200 words) 5 % penalty

o Up to 20% (e.g. between 2201 and 2400 words) 10 % penalty

o Etc. (i.e. 5% penalty for every 10% above word count)

· Enter your word count at the bottom of your submission

2. Submission

· Your work should be submitted via the submission link in your module area in Canvas

· Please make sure that you follow the guidance on written assessments which can be found on the School Canvas Page.

· Also refer to the School Canvas pages in relation to the penalties for Late Submission and possible exemptions.

· If you have any technical problems submitting to Canvas by the deadline, you must email your work to the module organiser (copying in [email protected] ) by the deadline, as evidence that you have submitted in time. You should also provide a screenshot of the error you are experiencing. You should then continue to attempt submitting via Canvas.

3. Academic Integrity

The University’s Academic Integrity policy and your annual Academic Integrity declaration

apply to this assessment. If necessary, the full range of penalties (Category A, B, C, D, and E)

will be available to examiners if they discover contraventions of the Academic Integrity

policy. You can consult the University’s Academic Integrity guide for students here:


Please note: Your answer should be written in your own words. Do not use any verbatim (word for word) quotes. Your assignment may not contain verbatim (copy-and-paste) material that you have submitted for another assessment, either on this or a different module.

4. Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) instructions.

The University permits you to use GenAI tools to assist in the preparation of your assignments provided that doing so is consistent with the University’s guidance on acceptable and unacceptable uses of GenAI.


To promote honest and ethical use of GenAI, the School of Biosciences requires students to declare whether they have used GenAI tools in the preparation of each coursework assessment that they submit. If you have used GenAI tool(s), you must explain what tools you used and how you used them. Failure to include a declaration and/or provide clear and satisfactory information on how you used them, where relevant, will lead to a marks deductions (see below).

For each assignment you must include and complete the following table before your answer; the declaration is not included in a word count.

· In the general statement, delete ‘did’ or ‘did not’ as applicable

· If you declare that you did use GenAI, you must then provide the following information for each GenAI tool that you used; examples have been included in the table.

o Name and version of the GenAI tool

o Publisher (company that made the GenAI tool)

o URL of the GenAI tool

o Brief description what the tool was used for, and how

General statement

I did/did not use GenAI tools in the preparation of this work

In the rows below, provide the required information about any GenAI tools and how they were used. If you have declared that you did not use GenAI tools, no further information is required.

ChatGPT v 3.5

Open AI, Chat GPT v 3.5; https://chatgpt.com

I used the tool to summarise and to structure my draft document


Grammarly Inc (web version); https://www.grammarly.com

I used the tool to spell and grammar check the final version of this assignment

Penalties for not declaring GenAI tools and/or inadequate description when used.

· There are no penalties if you declare that you did or did not use GenAI and, if you did, provide a clear and satisfactory description of what you used them for.

· A 2% deduction will be imposed if you do include the declaration that you used GenAI but did not provide sufficient information of what tools you used, and how.

· A 5% deduction will be imposed if you do not include the declaration at all; i.e., when you do not state whether you did or did not use GenAI tools.

· If you declare that you did not use GenAI tools, but it is later proven that you did, the Academic Integrity Committee will investigate academic misconduct for a false declaration.


In this assessment, we expect students to write well-structured answers to each question which correctly use the appropriate terminology and referencing. To provide context, you should give background information based on the relevant module content. When you address the question, you should use your knowledge and understanding of the module content, but you should also use relevant literature to add a different perspective and/or more detail. To address the data analysis aspects of questions, you should demonstrate your ability to interpret and critique the data presented and to draw relevant conclusions. At the higher end of the marking scheme, markers will also be looking for elements of criticality and synthesis.

Specific instructions:

Please answer ALL questions.

Coursework Question(s):

This assessment is based on the following research paper (PDF available on Canvas):

BAP1 is a novel regulator of HIF-1α

Bononi et al

Proc Natl Acad Sci 2023 Jan 24;120(4):e2217840120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2217840120.


Please answer the three following questions:

1. Pick the figure* in the paper that you think is the most important for the overall conclusions. Briefly describe the results, the experimental approach(es) used and why you think that it is the key figure in the paper.

* Selected figure needs to include all sub-panels (e.g. Fig 1A-I or Fig 2A-E, not Fig 1F or 2D)

Indicative length: Approx. 300 words

2. Draw an original diagram and briefly discuss the signalling pathway delineated in this study and highlight how this adds to what was previously known about HIF regulation. Focus on the crosstalk between post-translational modifications and protein:protein interactions, and include all of the regulators of the pathway.

Indicative length: Figure plus approx. 400 words

3. From what you know about aberrant HIF activity in cancer, describe how these novel findings contribute to our understanding of the role of BAP1 in human malignancies?

Indicative length: Approx. 300 words



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