代做CHI2400 Information Architecture 帮做R程序

School of Computing and Engineering




Module Code


Module Title

Information Architecture

Course Title/s

BSc (Hons) Computing

MComp Computing

BSc (Hons) Applied Computing (Top-up)

BA (Hons) Computing in Business

BSc (Hons) Information Technology

BSc (Hons) Information Technology (Top-up)

Assignment 1 

1. Assignment Aims 

This assignment is made up of two separate tasks. Your first task is focussed on client-side issues the second task is focussed on server-side issues. Both tasks relate to the design of information seeking environments for students.

2. Learning Outcomes:  

• Critically review the ways information can be structured to support information seeking

• Critically review concepts related to information seeking behaviour (ISB) and apply this understanding to the evaluation of existing search tools used in academic research, e-commerce and social media

• Construct controlled vocabularies and ontologies to label digital content for later retrieval

3. Assessment Brief 

Task One (60%)

You are tasked with designing a UI for an academic search tool that helps researchers and students find academic papers, books, and journals. The system will have features such as advanced search, filters, results display, and the ability to save and cite papers. Your goal is to implement UI patterns that simplify these interactions.

What you should submit

A report documenting user requirements and a clear specification for the design of a user interface. Your report should be organised under the following headings:

1. Requirements Analysis (10 marks)

In this section, you should identify 8 Use Cases related to academic searching. Your Use Cases may include some of the following: Filter results (by date, relevance, citation count, etc.), view detailed information about a paper, save papers for later reference, export citations in different formats, view citation counts and impact and so on. For two of the Use Cases, you should provide a short scenario analysis – this does not need to be more than 100 words long.

2. User Flow (10 marks)

In this section, you should present a basic flow for a typical user’s journey. Ideally, the journey you describe will be based on one of your own search journeys. Key steps in the journey might include the following pages: Landing Page: Search bar and basic search options, Search Results Page: A list of academic papers with filters and sorting options, Paper Details Page: Details about the selected paper (authors, abstract, citation formats), Save and Citation Options: Ability to save papers and export citations.

3. UI Patterns to Support User Flow (24 marks)

In this section, you should identify and document some UI patterns supporting your proposed User Flow. Try to present two patterns for each phase in the flow. We have been discussing a four-phase model so I am expecting to see 8 user interface patterns in total.

For each pattern, you should provide: a name, a short description, an indication of when this pattern could  support the search process, a description of how the pattern might be implemented with screenshots showing how it can be applied (these may be taken from an existing application or be a mockup to help the reader understand what the implemented pattern might look like) and a discussion of how the pattern might help a student based on your own search experience.

Here is an example of a pattern documented in this way:

Pattern: Search_Filters


As the name suggests, filters can be used to look for specific results, they reduce the amount of literature retrieved to specific literature that exactly matches the type of filter used.


Search filters are useful during all search stages and could be used during pre-search, exploratory search, or focused search activities.


Search filters can be provided in the form. of a check-box such as the ones used by Google Scholar and depicted in figure 1. Alternatively IEEE Xplore (see figure 2) provides filter as hyperlinks.


Figure 1: Search filters.


Figure 2: Filters in IEEE Xplore.


Filters are easy to use, and I use them all the time to look for literature that is maximum 8 to 10 years old. So, the date filter is very important to me.

The degree of relevance to the research topic is not always accurate. For example, applying author filter on results might lead to retrieving literature written by that author but on a different topic.

4. Wireframes (16 marks)

Sketch or create low-fidelity wireframes for four pages. Each page should be associated with a different phase in our four-phase search model. So there should be a wireframe. for a page supporting Getting Started, one for Exploratory Search and so on.

Task Two (40%)

Create a simple ontology. In this task you will make use of Protégé to develop a simple ontology for a domain of your own choosing. Your ontology should contain no fewer than 20 classes.

In developing the ontology you should go through the following steps:  

Step 1. Identify the domain and scope of the ontology (about 150 words).

Step 2. Define the classes and the class hierarchy (approximately 20 classes).

Step 3. Define the object properties of classes – the relationships between classes (at least 6 object properties).

Step 4. Define the data properties of the classes (at least 6 data properties).

Step 5. Create instances (at least 12 instances).

Step 6. Check the ontology with a series of suitable queries (at least 10 queries).

4.  Marking Scheme 

Task One (60%)

The number of marks awarded for each section of your report is provided in the specification above.

Task Two (40%)

Steps 1 to 5 will be awarded 6% each, with the remaining 10% awarded for Step 6, as follows:

- Step 1: 3% for the domain and 3% for the scope of the ontology

- Step 2: 1% for every 3 classes (18 classes at minimum)

- Step 3: 1% for each object property (6 object properties at minimum)

- Step 4: 1% for each data property (6 data properties at minimum)

- Step 5: 0.5% for every instance (12 instances at minimum)

- Step 6: 1% for each query (10 queries at minimum)




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