HUDM 5026 - Introduction to Data Analysis and Graphics in R
HW 3 – Logical Operators and Missing Values
• Turn in an R script. file.
• Feel free to discuss problems with classmates.
• All work you submit must be your own.
• If you use any sources, including large language models like chatgpt, cite them with a note and explain your code.
For this HW you will work with the text from the famous novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Navigate to Project Gutenberg to view a text file version of the novel here Read the file into R using read_file() from package readr, which is part of the tidyverse.
aiw <- read_file(file = "https://www. gutenberg. org/files/11/11-0. txt ")
Task 1 How many characters does aiw contain? Is it a vector? What is the length of the vector?
Task 2 Examine the first 3000 characters of the text of the book with str_sub() .
Task 3 Note that when imported, the text file brought along some formatting in the way of "\n" and "\r" strings. Find and replace these using gsub() or str_replace_all() and save the output as aiw2.
Task 4 Clean up whitespace by deleting whitespace at the beginning/end of strings and re- placing multiple whitespaces with a single whitespace. Hint: see str_squish() . Save as aiw2.
Task 5 Project Gutenberg has added some text at the beginning and end. Find the true beginning and ending of the text and save only the book text. Save this as aiw2.
Task 6 Note that aiw2 is a single long character string. We would like to separate the words so that each is it’s own element of a character vector. Use strsplit or str_split() to do that and rename the result as aiw3. This will produce output in a list, but we want a vector, so use unlist() on aiw3 to turn it into a long character vector; again, save the output as aiw3.
Task 7 What proportion of words in the book contain at least one uppercase letter? Task 8 What proportion of words in the book use some form. of punctuation?
Task 9 Create a barplot of word frequency for the top 20 most frequent words.
Task 10 This bonus question is not required for full credit but worth a couple of extra points. Run a sentiment analysis on the cleaned text. Describe the findings.