代做COM333 – Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Society代写数据结构语言

Department of Media and Communication

COM333 – Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Society

Assignment Brief

(80% of Final Grade)

For this assignment, students are required to produce an essay of 2400-2600 words (excluding the list of references) answering ONE of the following questions that relate to the first four weeks of  the course (please refer to the handouts and your notes for details):

1.   What is the relationship between Big Data and AI?

2.   Will AI be able to take over the world?

3.   How can AIs be made trustworthy?

4.   What is needed to properly regulate AI?

Points to observe:

-    You will need to find and use additional SOURCES from media and academic publications;

-    Please pay CLOSE ATTENTION to proper citation and referencing (USING APA)

-    Any mistakes in the citing or referencing of sources and any plagiarism identified will lead to consequences as specified in university regulations;

-    To meet the required learning outcomes, please consult the table and essay model provided, as well as the grade descriptors;

-    Text should be double-spaced & in Times New Roman, font 12;

-    Section headings (e.g. Introduction) should be in bold;

-    Subheadings within sections should be in italics;

-    Please submit your assignment VIA LEARNING MALL ONLINE making use of TURNITIN before 12NOON (BEIJING TIME), THURSDAY 6 JUNE 2024.

-    You should include the Coursework Submission Cover Sheet as the first page of the document  (including name, student number, module code and title of the essay). All written work must be uploaded as *.docx file formats only. Students should name the file as follows:


Learning Outcomes:


Demonstrate a historical understanding of AI and big data development



Identify and interpret the core concepts, theories and debates related to emerging AI and big data technologies and their role in changing digital media industries, communication processes, and cultural and political life


Investigate the applications of AI and big data in digital media and communication


Critically evaluate the issues affecting consumers, citizens and governments brought about by the use and development of AI and big data in digital media and communication processes

Essay Model


In this part you need to prepare the reader for your assignment. Talk briefly about the

question you chose and how you have chosen to answer it, then provide an outline of the rest of the essay.

Historical setting of the topic

Please explain and narrate some of the main developments that have led to how we engage with your topic today. Do NOT just repeat what we did in class, instead focus on your specific topic.

Theories and concepts under debate

Discuss the arguments as well as relative strengths and weaknesses of the theories and concepts related to your topic.

Examples of media or everyday life applications of the topic

Provide a few examples of the effects of your topic on our lives today.

A critical evaluation of the topic

Provide a critique of how your topic has been and is being treated, using multiple points of view.


Sum up the main parts of your assignment including your answer to the essay question and provide a short outlook on how you think your topic will develop in future.


You can start with the sources from the reading list, but you will need to find additional sources online, in the media, and in academic publications.

Please only list sources you refer to in the main text of your assignment.

If you need help finding additional sources OR if you need help putting together the bibliography, please contact your lecturer.

Grade Descriptors:


Historical Understanding

Concepts   & Theories


Critical Evaluation




Very Good

The paper shows an excellent and comprehensive

understanding of the historical background to the topic.

The paper shows an excellent and comprehensive

understanding of the theories and concepts pertinent to the topic.

The paper provides excellent and comprehensive examples for the

topic from media and/or everyday life.

The paper delivers an excellent and comprehensive critical

assessment of the topic based on multiple points of view.



The paper shows an    impressive and (near)

comprehensive understanding  of the historical background to the topic.

The paper shows an impressive and (near) comprehensive

understanding of the theories and concepts underlying the chosen    topic.

The paper provides impressive and (near) comprehensive

examples for the topic from media and/or everyday life.

The paper delivers an

impressively written critical

assessment of the topic based on several points of view.



The paper shows a good

understanding of the historical background of the topic, but

there might be significant gaps and or some


The paper shows a good

understanding of the underlying theories and concepts, but there  might be significant gaps and or some misunderstandings.

The paper provides good

examples for the topic from

media and/or everyday life, but  there might be significant gaps   and or some misunderstandings.

The paper shows a good level of criticality towards the topic, but  there might be some

misunderstandings and only a

limited number of points of view.



The paper shows an

acceptable understanding of the historical background to

the topic There are some major gaps and/or


The paper shows an acceptable   understanding of the underlying theories and concepts. There are

some major gaps and/or misunderstandings.

The paper provides an acceptable range of examples for the topic

from media and/or everyday life, but there are some major gaps

and/or misunderstandings.

The paper shows an acceptable

level of critical assessment of the topic based largely on the

author's own opinion. There is

almost no evidence for critical

points and/or misunderstandings.


Compensatable FAIL

Marks awarded in this range   indicate that the candidate has narrowly failed to achieve the standards required.

Marks awarded in this range   indicate that the candidate has narrowly failed to achieve the standards required.

Marks awarded in this range   indicate that the candidate has narrowly failed to achieve the standards required.

Marks awarded in this range   indicate that the candidate has narrowly failed to achieve the standards required.



The paper shows major

misunderstandings or a lack of understanding of the historical  background to the topic. There are unacceptable gaps and/or    major misunderstandings.

The paper shows major

misunderstandings or ignorance of the underlying theories and

concepts. There are unacceptable

gaps and/or major   misunderstandings.

The paper provides no examples for the topic from media and/or  everyday life and/or

demonstrates unacceptable levels of misunderstandings.

The paper shows a lack of critical assessment of the topic and/or a    strong personal bias of the

author. It demonstrates ignorance of other points of views and/or

major misunderstandings.




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