代做119729 Qualitative Data Analysis Assignment Assessment 3 2024代做留学生SQL 程序


Qualitative Data Analysis Assignment

Assessment 3: value 30% final mark

Due Date June 4th 2024

The QDA assignment comprises three components. Each component covers the analysis of three different types of qualitative data and is designed to develop your qualitative analytical skills and logic and to gain an appreciation of qualitative data.

You are required to analyse and discuss three types of linked qualitative data. The data is drawn from a research project that aimed to explore what people in New Zealander think about the farming sector and suggest interventions that will strengthen connections between the sector and all New Zealanders.

The data for Component One and Component Two are provided to you on an Excel worksheet labelled:

Component One (10%) Word limit 800 words

This comprises answers from a questionnaire survey that asked respondents:  

What are the first three words that come to mind when you think about the New Zealand farming sector?

The data comprises around 200 responses. The data needs to be sorted and categorised across all responses into groups of terms and words that have similar meaning. This can be done initially within Excel by using the SORT function to group the same words and terms. Additional analysis and sorting will then be required to classify all responses into similar higher level categories that capture multiple terms and words of similar meaning. Aim for no more than 10 final categories.

Once the categorisation of words has been completed summarise the results and discuss in relation to the question and the overall aim of the study. This discussion needs to account for the frequency of responses within each category as well as what the range of categories illustrate about what the research participants think about the New Zealand farming sector.

In the submission of this assignment include a copy of the process of categorisation for this component. That is cut and paste from the excel worksheet a copy of the first list of categories through to the final list. We want to see evidence of how you progressed from an initial categorisation to the final categorisation.

Component Two (10%) Word limit 800 words

This comprises answers from a questionnaire survey that asked respondents:

What do you think the farming sector can do to build greater trust with the general public in Aotearoa New Zealand?

The data again comprises around 200 responses but the respondents are not necessarily the same as those whose responses were included in Component One. These responses are to an open question and vary in length and content. The first stage of analysis is to identify relevant terms and concepts within each response. Many responses include a single concept/response eg. “Stop Polluting” or  “Stop harming the environment” or “Real stories of real people to show how much farmers care about the health of our rivers too”.

All three responses relate to farming and the environment. The first two are clearly similar and could be grouped together under one category that might be termed: ”Reduce impact of farming on the environment”.  The second category – well you decide…..

Some responses include more than one idea/ concept and both need to be accounted for separately and categorised.  Again aim for no more than 10 final categories.

As for Component One: summarise the results and discuss. In the discussion make comment on the overall themes that are emerging from the data when considered in relation to the question asked of respondents. This can also include commentary on similarities and differences in the nature of the responses provided and who the respondents are likely to be.  

Include as you did for Component One, evidence of the process of identifying categories and the refinement of these to the final. Cut and past this from the Excel worksheet.

Component Three (10%) Word limit 1000 words

In addition to the questionnaire interviews were completed with a range of people from the farming sector, recreational groups like hunters and fishers and urban people. In this component of the assignment, you are asked to analyse a component of two transcripts of interviews, one from someone who identifies as urban and one a farming leader who identifies as rural.

The two transcripts are included at the end of this assessment.

There are a number of stages to the analysis of the transcripts:

1. Read the transcripts and become familiar with the content of both.

2. Read each transcript. and annotate the transcript. identifying and labelling terms & concepts that are relevant to the aim of the research and provide insights on how people view the New Zealand farming sector. This will include the way the farming sector is portrayed and viewed by the respondent. Similar concepts and terms will be repeated or may emerge as the overall flavour or the commentary from the respondent.

3.  Read and Re read the transcripts refining the concepts and ideas that emerge each time you read.  

In relation to the aim of the study summarise the results from both of the transcripts and then discuss what has emerged from all three components of the analysis. In doing this comment on dominant patterns and or themes and the nature of the perspectives that are presented in the data. Also discuss what all the data suggests about how people in New Zealand view the farming sector.


Present your assignment using 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing. Marks will be deducted if the standard of presentation is not up to standard.



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