代做CS170 – Computer Applications for Business Spring 2024 - Assignment 11代写数据库编程

CS170 - Computer Applications for Business

Spring 2024 - Assignment 11

Due Date:

Before 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 26th, 2024

Accept Until:

Before 11:59 p.m. on Monday, April 29th, 2024


20 points

Submit to Canvas:

Assignment11.zip  file

Learning Objective:

This assignment is designed to gain additional proficiency in the use of SQL.

To get credit for this assignment:

1   Deliver the assignment11.zip file to Canvas on time.

2   Your TA should be able to open your file by clicking on its link.


•    Follow the requirements listed on the next page.

•    Submit your assignment11.zip file to Canvas using the Canvas-> Assignments link.

Note: Explanation of how to use SQL wildcard to filter data.   Note the Where clause has “A%” which returns every CustomerName that starts with ‘A’ by adding a ‘%’ after the ‘A’


Thehttps://www.programiz.com/sql/online-compiler/is the site you will use   to practice your SQL.  Remember to copy text is highlight text and then hit ctrl- c   Paste your text is hitting ctrl-v

A.   Make sure to empty out the input.  Create a table called FINANCIAL_REPORTING by pasting the following text into programiz and hitting     You will see on  the output at bottom of screen saying “SQL query successfully executed. However,

the result set is empty.”


(account   varchar(100),  business_unit  varchar(100),currency    char(3),

reporting_year   int, scenario         varchar(100), jan              float,


float, mar

float, apr

float, may




float, jul

float, aug

float, sep

float, oct



float, dec






B.   Make sure to empty out the input.   You can enter “select * from

FINANCIAL_REPORTING” , hit                             and see the screen below


C.   In the DBload.txt file, you will see the data needed to set up the table for this

assignment.  Make sure to empty out the input.     Copy and paste text from

DBload.txt file into programiz and hit the button.    You will see something similar to below



D.   Once you have done this you will see on right side of screen a table, your table with the data.


E.   Type in SELECT “your first name”,” your lastname”,” your CS170 section”,*  from FINANCIAL_REPORTING and take a screenshot like below.  Call the name of the    screenshot as screen1.jpg    The result will be like below screenshot.   Example select clauses can be seen herehttps://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_where.asp


Build on the query you used in the prior line for FINANCIAL_REPORTING:  Apply a filter where

jan + feb + maris less than -89,000,000 and reporting_year is less than 2018.   Please make a screenshot of your SQL and the output and save as screen2.jpg

Below is sample output.  Use to give you an idea of structure of output:


F.   Write a nested query that finds the max value of jan + feb + mar and then show your

name, section,  associated account, business_unit, currency, reporting_year, scenario, jan +  feb + mar for that max value.  Save screenshot of SQL and output, similar to what you did in question D, as screen3.jpg.  This topic should be covered in your recitation.  But you can

also refer tohttps://www.geeksforgeeks.org/nested-queries-in-sql/

G.  Write a nested query that finds the average value of jan + feb + mar with a filter account    like ‘%Sales%’   This filter with % will help to pick up any account with Sales in it.  Show the associated account, business_unit, currency, reporting_year, scenario, jan + feb + mar that  are above average value when you have the wildcard filter of like “%Sales%” .  Save as

screen4.jpg.  This topic should be covered in your recitation.  But you can also refer to


H.   Use Customers and Orderstable to do a join by customer_id and filter on first_name =

“John” and last_name = “ Doe” .  Display your name and section and all fields in both tables. Save as a screen5.jpg

You can do this as INNER JOIN as referenced here


I.    Create an answer.txt file.  In the answer.txt file, please also acknowledge the honor code

by pasting the statement in the select statement highlighted at the beginning of the

assignment.  YOU ARE ON YOUR HONOR TO COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT WITHOUT ASSISTANCE.  You may use your text and resources  available to you through Canvas. You MAY NOT ask any  

human for assistance, give assistance to anyone, or use any online  tutoring service  For the

screenshot below, the where clause includes many of the columns needed to uniquely

identify a record on the FINANCIAL_REPORTING table (aka primary key).  Can you identify an additional column needed for the primary key?  Please answer in the answer.txt


J.    Based on what you did earlier in the assignment to insert records into the

FINANCIAL_REPORTING table, pleaseadd two new customers into the Customers table.     Please take a screenshot (screen6.jpg) of the insert and take a screenshot (screen7.jpg) of a select from the Customers table.


K.   Put all the imagefiles and answer.txt into assignment11.zip and upload to Canvas for assignment 11.



litr1-uc6201.200 ee1102 econ42915 cb9101 math1102e chme0017 fc307 mkt60104 5522usst cosc2803 math39512 omp9727 ddes9903 babs2202 mis2002s phya21 18-213 cege0012 mgt253 fc021 int2067/int5051 bsb151 math38032 mech5125 mdia1002 cisc102 07 mgx3110 cs240 11175 fin3020s eco3420 ictten622 comp9727 cpt111 de114102d mgm320h5s bafi1019 efim20036 mn-3503 comp9414 math21112 fins5568 comp4337 bcpm000028 info6030 inft6800 bcpm0054 comp(2041|9044) 110.807 bma0092 cs365 math20212 ce335 math2010 ec3450 comm1170 cenv6141 ftec5580 ecmt1010 csci-ua.0480-003 econ12-200 ectb60h3f cs247—assignment ib3960 tk3163 ics3u ib3j80 comp20008 comp9334 eppd1063 acct2343 cct109 isys1055/3412 econ7230 msinm014/msing014/msing014b math2014 math350-real eec180 stat141b econ2101 fit2004 comp643 bu1002 cm2030 mn7182sr ectb60h3s ib2d30 ohss7000 fit3175 econ20120/econ30320 acct7104 compsci 369 math226 127.241 info1110 37007 math137a mgt4701 comm1180 fc300 ectb60h3 llp120 bio99 econ7030 csse2310/csse7231 comm1190 125.330 110.309 csc3100 bu1007 comp 636 qbus3600 compx222 stat437 kit317 hw1 ag942 fit3139 115.213 ipa61006 econ214 envm7512 6010acc fit4005 fins5542 slsp5360m 119729 cs148 hld-4267-r comp4002/gam cava1001 or4023 cosc2758/cosc2938 cse140 fu010055 csci410 finc3017 comp9417 fsc60504 24309 bsys702 mgec61 cive9831m pubh5010 5bus1037 info90004 p6769 bsan3209 plana4310 caes1000 econ0060 ap/adms4540 ast101h5f plan6392 625.609.81 csmai21 fnce6012 misy262 ifb106tc csci910 502it comp603/ense600 4035 csca08 8iar101 bsd131 msci242l csci 4261 elec51020 blaw1002 ec3044 acct40115 csi2108–cryptographic 158225 7014mhr econ60822 ecn302 philo225-24a acst2001 fit9132 comp1117b ad654 comp3221 st332 cs170 econ0033 engr228-digital law-10027u fit5057 ve311 sle210 n1608 msim3101 badp2003 mth002 6012acc 072243a 3809ict amath 483
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