代写BUS9036M Dissertation 2023-2024代做回归




Module Details

Module Code:  BUS9036M Dissertation

Subject: Business & Management


Welcome to your dissertation - the capstone project of the Masters programme. It allows you to explore your focus and interests in an independent manner.  It provides the opportunity for you to apply, integrate, and deepen the knowledge, insights, and skills that you have learned during your programme of study.  You can explore in this project a real-world issue or a research topic, which you execute in a manner consistent with the core philosophy and values of Lincoln International Business School (LIBS).

In keeping with the spirit of LIBS Masters programmes, this module seeks to enable and facilitate independence, innovation and creativity in terms of project foci, form and output. This module also differs in how you engage with it. With the aim of creating independent and critical learners, you are required to not only undertake an in-depth study of a topic related to the title of your named degree but also to take responsibility for your own learning and negotiate the form. and output of the final work. So, this work is led by you.

You should enjoy the experience because this really is a module you can own and direct.

You will decide on a proposal approach to your research, so as to provide a clear path to follow, goals to achieve and generate a final dissertation thesis / output. Although the foci and form. of the dissertation are to be negotiated, you might produce one of the following:

· Independent research project

· Design of a new enterprise

· Guided individual research project (determined and initially scoped by an academic tutor)

· Work-based project

· Client based project

· Other negotiated project (consultancy, event/exhibition design, multi-media project, etc.).

The exact format will vary and can be agreed with your seminar facilitators. As with the delivery last year, we will continue to use and develop the following resources:

· The use and integration of the University’s online ethical application and approval process (LEAS)

· The use of a structured guidance to support your research dissertation.

Please note that this module is an independent learning project so which ever form. of dissertation you chose, every one will get the same support through lectures, seminars and drop ins.

These are reviewed in turn shortly in this book and available on the Blackboard site.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the module you should be able to:

LO1         Communicate the aims, objectives and relevance of your chosen research project.

LO2         Develop achievable and logical plans to guide the implementation of your chosen research project.

LO3         Select, collect, analyse and interpret evidence from multiple sources in accordance with sound principles of research and investigation.

LO4         Synthesise and critically evaluate different sources of knowledge in order to articulate logical and cogent argumentation.

LO5         Evaluate critically and apply theoretical and methodological approaches in ways which augment understanding 
of the topic

LO6         Reflect critically on your own research practice and intellectual argument particularly in the context of contemporary debates in management or business.

LO7         Propose practical resolutions via conclusions and recommendations when appropriate .

LO8         Demonstrate depth of knowledge, expertise and critical understanding of your chosen topic area.

The dissertation represents the final independent study of your Masters.

It is important to note that it must reflect your chosen degree in terms of subject matter. This is a requirement of your degree programme.

Employability Skills / Skills for your Future

The module enhances your employability by developing the following transferable Work Ready skills:

· Learning and Adaptability through - problem solving and critical analysis: analysing facts and circumstances to determine the cause of a problem and identifying and selecting appropriate solutions.

· Research and analysing: the ability to analyse and evaluate a range of business data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies, which includes the need for strong digital literacy, and to use that research for evidence-based decision-making.  Conceptual and critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

· Organisation through self-management: a readiness to accept responsibility and flexibility, to be resilient, self-starting and appropriately assertive, to plan, organise and manage time.

· Organisation, adaptability and initiative through -self reflection: self-analysis and an awareness/sensitivity to diversity in terms of people and cultures. This includes a continuing appetite for development.



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